Corona Garden Diary 3/30/20: No, April isn’t Canceled

In the wake of Virginia governor Northam’s stay-at-home order today, I saw a headline that said “April Canceled.”


Clusiana tulips ‘Cynthia’.  They close up when the sunlight starts to fade.  When they are open they are yellow.  When they are closed they are pink.  I like these little pink spears.



Blue & Gold.  My old high school colors.


Wood poppy.  (Stylophorum diphyllum) Another “good spreader”


Redbud ready to pop

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Epimediums are a terrific groundcover.  Here they are growing right at the base of a black walnut.  They spread slow but steady.


Solomon’s Seal.  A steady spreader.  I started with 4 plants 3 years ago.


New foliage on Oakleaf hydrangea with last fall’s burgundy foliage hangin’ on.


April canceled?  The gardens have not gotten the message.

1 thought on “Corona Garden Diary 3/30/20: No, April isn’t Canceled

  1. Hi, Mary, Your pictures made my day in these strange times of social distancing. I live in a small village – 600 people – between Kingston and Ottawa in the Rideau Valley and we still have traces of snow. So, thank you for your gift of spring.

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